
You can download a jupyter notebook from (here)[umr-lops/dask-hpcconfig] and try out how it works on Datarmor.

If you want to try on your localPC;

In [1]: import distributed
   ...: import dask_hpcconfig

Starting a cluster is easy:

In [2]: # find the available clusters
   ...: dask_hpcconfig.print_clusters()
Available clusters:
 • local: local
 • datarmor-local: local
 • datarmor: pbs
 • datarmor-seq: pbs

In [3]: # as an example, let's choose 'local'
   ...: cluster = dask_hpcconfig.cluster("local")

and with that, we have a running cluster. Now we can do the usual: spawn workers, create a client and compute something.

In [4]: # spawn 4 workers
   ...: cluster.scale(n=4)

In [5]: # create the client
   ...: client = distributed.Client(cluster)

In [6]: import dask.array as da
   ...: arr = da.ones(shape=(1000, 1000), chunks=(10, 10))
   ...: arr.sum().compute()
Out[6]: 1000000.0

If we have a process that needs to be pointed at the scheduler of a running cluster, we can do the same using the CLI:

$ dask-hpcconfig create local --workers 14

This will create the cluster and keep it running until either the scheduler is shut down or the process is terminated (using a keyboard interrupt, for example).